
Graphic Design

Sean Caillouette, An autodidact who is always learning and practicing new techniques with the latest technology as well as with simple ink and paper, with 20 years of design experience, ranging from commercial design to fine art to illustration.

Web Programming

In 2001 Sean delved into the realm of web programming and continues to advance his skill set, establishing himself as a "full-stack" developer/programmer. The programming world is always forward-thinking and requires attention to detail as well as the ability to learn and progress almost daily.


With a Bachelor of Science degree Journalism and a major in Advertising in 1994, Sean Also has a background in Marketing. Yet, as the advertising and marketing world changes every year, he keeps up with the latest in SEO, social media, and marketing ideas.

Print Management

Finding the right printer at the right price, design, prepress, color management, proofing, print inspection, quality, delivery, and ensuring the job is 100% perfect.


Sean went into advertising because I wanted to be creative, but there is more than just creativity with advertising . . . You need a concept, a campaign, a message that will deliver results. Sean has proven himself many times in this department.Sean went into advertising because I wanted to be creative, but there is more than just creativity with advertising; you need a concept, a campaign, a message that will deliver results. Sean has proven himself many times in this department.

Fine Art

After freelancing in 1997 and landing the Boulder Museum of Contemporary art as a client, I was immediately drawn to the art world, whether to promote myself as a commercial artist or just experiment with new styles and techniques.

Copy Writing

Writing is not just having a catchy phrase or creative copy; it requires knowledge, research, practice, and execution that produces results. Having pursued an English degree, Sean eventually received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism with a focus in Advertising. Being well-read, technically trained, and creatively inclined, Sean loves the adventure and discipline of the myriad forms of writing to produce quantifiable results.

Large Format Printing

Studio Caillouette has the latest and greatest Epson Stylus pro 9900. We can print on archival canvas or photo art paper. We can also stretch and mount your canvases.

Want to work with us? Get in touch